We are not quite there yet. We have been doing some letter sorting work and many of my students are gluing them upside down and backwards. Sound familiar? Many of the children in my class need a lot more practice with this activity. If you are feeling my pain grab a few sorts right here.What do you do to help them with this skill? We have a big hill to climb! Stay calm.
Hi, Fran! I'm so glad I finally remembered to look for your blog!!! Actually, I also finally made it to the bottom of my "to do" stack of things and started cruising the internet and stumbled upon your blog quite easily. Now I am signed up for email updates, so I will be following you all the time. Hooray! It was great to meet you in Las Vegas last summer. Keep up the great work, and congrats on your win with the Really Great Stuff blog contest! You deserve it! :) Heidi Butkus http://heidisongs.blogspot.com www.heidisongs.com
Wow Heidi, Thanks for coming on here. It was so much fun to see you in Vegas and I bet we meet up again at the CKA conference in January. I can't wait to go! Fran
Hi, Fran!
I'm so glad I finally remembered to look for your blog!!! Actually, I also finally made it to the bottom of my "to do" stack of things and started cruising the internet and stumbled upon your blog quite easily. Now I am signed up for email updates, so I will be following you all the time. Hooray!
It was great to meet you in Las Vegas last summer. Keep up the great work, and congrats on your win with the Really Great Stuff blog contest! You deserve it!
Heidi Butkus
Wow Heidi,
Thanks for coming on here. It was so much fun to see you in Vegas and I bet we meet up again at the CKA conference in January. I can't wait to go!
you post is so timely, I have quite a few little kittens and pups who are turning the letters upside down. This will be a GREAT help. THANKS!
What a great share!
Question...will you be sharing the rest of the alphabet in your TPT account?
I agree- oh so timely! I am going to use this in my centers for next week. Thank you so much for all that you share Fran. I love your work!!
Thank you so much. I have specific chidren that will benefit from this activity.
Thank you so much!!! You have the best ideas!!!
Love this! So perfect for my little ones! Thank you for sharing! :)
Oh, good! You are going to CKA! See you then!
thank you! my kiddos will definitely benefit! :)
Fran, I used this today, since we have been doing apples for a while. LOVED it. Only maybe 4 kids glued the lowercase a upside down!!
Thank you so much for sharing! I have two mainstreamed children in my first grade classroom that these sorts will be perfect for!
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