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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Garden Graphing Without A Green Thumb

Kindergarten students love graphing and it is great to put them in teams to do this activity. I have them collect the data first, talk to their partner to check for accuracy, and then fill in their chart. If your students are English language learners be sure they have labels for these pictures and encourage students to use academic language. Sometimes I will tell them, "I want to hear...  We always come back as a group and talk about what we had the most of, the least, the same amount of... With practice throughout the year students become quite independent.
You could use this same picture and have them record this with tally marks. Wow, killing many standards with one lesson. That's perfect! 


Sarah said...

LOVE IT!! HOpe that you will attach it to something I can buy or get!! Your students are lucky to have someone soo creative!!


ps. Happy Earth Day

School Sparks Renee said...

Cute worksheet - so good for this time of year. I like your pictures for most and least. thanks for sharing this! Renee

Michelle Griffo said...

I LOVE this! Kids love graphing!


Apples and ABC's

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this! Do you have it posted it somewhere? This is exactly what we are working on right now.


Traci Clausen said...

That IS perfect! :D
Dragonflies in First

Fluttering Through First Grade said...

Love graphing and great worksheet! :)Tammy & Christy

beachliesl said...

Fantastic! Wish I had your gift/skill for producing such great and usable things. Was thinking this would be GREAT for using with Peter Rabbit, and in conjunction with making a map of Mr. McGregor's garden!

Liesl in VA

Jessica said...

WOW, this is great...thank you!

Barbara L said...

Thank you, Fran. I love this!

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Iris said...

love your graphing ideas i made a bilingual blog with free ideas songs in spanish at

Anonymous said...

HI Fran,
As usual, you have created a wonderful thing. Will you be putting this on your TpT site?
I would love to use this with our Plant unit.