Image Map

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I think I am addicted to ...pocket charts

Does anyone else have this problem? I love pocket charts and have way  too many in my room. I cannot control this addiction. This is the story of Thanksgiving (my version) done as a flow map. I love just putting arrows on the side of my cards but the last one should not have any arrow (woops!). Now is my version historically correct? No way but it makes a great story and I know I am reinventing the truth but our unit this month is "Friends"and I could not resist. This goes along with Dr. Jean's retelling bracelet which we make every year because I L*O*V*E it so much. It is a brilliant idea. More about that tomorrow. Assessments need to be charted and I have to force myself...


Carrie said...

I have pocket chart obsession as well! Just ask my colleagues...ahhh! Oh well, I love them and they are absolutely easy to use when organizing...well, almost everything! I just uploaded my First Thanksgiving unit to TpT.

Your flow chrt would work great with it. Is it something you can share?

Thanks for sharing the idea!

Cindy said...

Love these! ;-) The arrows are a great touch!

Lindsey said...

I love these retelling cards!! Do you have them somewhere?

Mrs. McElveen said...

I am sure that I am a member of the Pocket Charts Anonymous group as well. I love this flow map for the story of the first Thanksgiving, and the arrows are a perfect addition! Are these available to purchase?


Fran Kramer said...

How can anyone tolerate one more turkey activity from me? I feel like I have beaten this to death! Seriously!

Unknown said...

Love these! Are they in your Thanksgiving packet? :) I would love them for my class! :)
Crayons and Curls

Annie Moffatt said...

I love pocket charts too! We have so many hanging around the house, it's like a sick obsession!

Freckleteacher said...

I wish I had more room for large pocket charts! I have 2 that I use for poems and word work. Then I bought the little Target ones and I am hanging them from the chalkboard tray on hooks. I have had your Pete the Cat sentence building and other things in them.
So great!
Looks like everyone loves your Thanksgiving story cards! There are soooo many Thanksgiving units out there right now, but clearly nothing like these! I also went to Dr. Jean's and copied the bracelet directions down. Really great! Thanks for the tip!

Teaching 123's & ABC's said...

I love these! Are they for sale in your TPT store? They would work so well for my SDC kinders. PLEASE let me know!


Anonymous said...

Love how your arrows create an instant flow map. Genius idea! Thanks for sharing. : )

Unknown said...

Love this idea! I use the bracelet story too but would love to use this flow chart as well. Where can I find it?

Mrs. Glennon's Beach Buddies said...

I am a pocket chart addict too! I thought I was the only one! Our target this week is to recall and retell, what a great way for them to do this! Would love to have a copy if you could post it! Thanks so much for sharing!

Katie Mense said...

L♥VE these, Fran!!!!! GREAT idea!!! I might have to whip some up!!! ;)Thanks for sharing:)
Little Warriors

Michele said...

I too have tons of pocket chart stories/activities. Just not enough places to put them.

Amanda said...

Oh yes!!! Please share these! I LOVE 'em!:)

Anonymous said...

Will you please put these on TPT? I would gladly pay for are AMAZING!!!

Sped PreK said...

I teach a special ed PreK class. We loved your "The First Thanksgiving" flow chart!

Ordering and sequencing is something we are working on right now, so this was the perfect activity.

Thanks a bunch!