I hope you like the last book in my gardening series. Be sure to buzz right over and let it sweeten your day!
How corny can I get? Click here for a sweet treat...
If this has sweetened your day leave a shout out for me! Thanks for spending time on my blog.
My kids always benefit from cut and paste work and I want them to know the vocabulary presented in this book. I am hoping they love the sound of the bee and the special pointer. Vacation is over and now I have to go back to school. It was fun having this time to blog and meet so many of you. What an amazing group of teachers you are. You continue to inspire me.
If you download this book please be kind enough to follow me... There is more to come.
I love your book. I'm doing a farm/plant/insect theme and this is perfect. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Fran!
This bee book is GREAT! Thanks for taking the time while you were on break to make this! I can't wait to use this book with my group when we talk about bees!
Many thanks for everything!
Have a good weekend!
thank you! we are just about to do a spring/garden unit, and this little book is wonderful!
Love it! Just what I need for next week- thank you so much for sharing!
This looks great! Thank you!
This is totally cute!
1st Grade with Miss Snowden
My 5 year old will love this. Thanks for sharing.
Noooo, don't go - I love your blog. I love to learn from someone with 30 years of experience. Tells me I can do it too!!!!
L.O.V.E. this and everything you share with us!!
Thank you!!
Dear Friends,
Thanks for all the wonderful comments you are leaving. Reading should be fun and even a bit silly. Why not? Anyone can make these little books and I send them home for my students to practice with their families. They love the praise they receive. Have fun and enjoy your weekend.
<3 Fran
I just found your site about a week ago and LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing! You are so creative! I love the Goldilocks papers and was wondering if those were available for download? Thanks and have a great weekend!
This is so cute! We are teaching prepositions next week and this will fit in so nicely! Thanks for sharing your hard work. It is wonderful!
These are great and go perfect with what we are studying! Thank you!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!!!! Thank you for sharing all of these creative ideas!!!!!
You are my idol. I hope that I will someday be as creative and talented as you! Please continue to share and show all of your great ideas. You inspire me to be better.
Thank you!!
Thank you for sharing!
Just found you and love your wonderful ideas. After 17 yrs. in K I still love to find new things to do with my class. thanx for sharing
This book is so cute! Thanks for sharing! :)
Nice job Fran, will be using the book soon. Thanks for sharing your materials.
Thanks again for some great ideas! I try to go to your blog almost everyday!
I am really "digging" your blog, your creativity, and the wonderful printables that you share. I can't wait to share these with the primary teachers at my school. Thank you so much!
This is a great book and very creative! I cannot figure out how to follow, could be the fact that I am so tired. Please help me. Virginia
All your items are great! What is the name of the font you used in Bee positional book? I love it! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas!
What is the name of the font you used in your Bee book? Thanks for sharing all your ideas!
Hi Fran,
Thank you so much for sharing all of your great ideas!! I'm so glad I came across your awesome blog!!
My Bee book has a font called Hiccups and I am so glad you like this site. I hope you are following me and thanks for the kind comment.
You have inspired me! Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I can't wait to use this book with my kiddos next week! Thanks again!
I love this book! even my lowest kids were able to participate. I laminated mine and bound it. Then used sticky putty for the kids to move around my bee, before they glued theirs down :)
I love the Bee Book! What a great way to review positional words at the end of school! Thank you for all your ideas!
So cute! Thank you so much!
What an adorable little reader! Can't wait to add this to our book baskets this year!
Kool Kinders
Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you Fran for always sharing new and fun activites to engage the students!! And don't have anxiety over presenting to others. I would LOVE to come to a presentation of yours!!!
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