Image Map

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meet the Bear Family

These are some cute samples of the writing my class is doing now:

We made this bubble map in class today and tomorrow we will build this text in a pocket chart.
For example:  

Mama Bear is helpful.
Mama Bear is furry.
Mama Bear is brown. 
Mama Bear is a good chef.
Mama Bear is kind.

The students will get this paper with the bubble map already on there. I want them to draw a picture of Mama Bear with much detail (we practiced on a wipe-off board)  in the frame and then write two sentences using the bubble map. This is an excellent scaffold for our English Learners.

1 comment:

krazykindergarten said...

WOW, Fran! You have such cute ideas! I addicted to your blog...FOR SURE!!!! Thank you for sharing your ideas. I especially love how you used the map and then you showed the kids how to write sentences. For some reason seeing the whole process you went through finally clicked something in my brain...I GET IT!!!! I have never used the maps that way and now I see such use for the kids to really use them and write with them. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!