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Monday, November 30, 2015

Cyber Smile Sale on TpT... Grab Some Goodies

TpT is having a great sale today and tomorrow. Now you can stock up on all those materials for the winter months and save some money. It's a win- win for teachers! Don't forget the promo code today: SMILE so you can get the full 28% off. Have fun and fill your cart with happiness. If you want some of my products you can find them here:

How cute is this picture of me? It makes me smile because both of my girls looked like this and so do the cousins. I love old family pictures.

1 comment:

Maryann said...

Hi Fran!
Thank you again for the wonderful ideas you have on your blog. A ? for you - the Thanksgiving leftovers section - the comparing the Native Americans and Pilgrims sheet, is this in "Turkey Leftovers" packet you have for sale on TPT? Also, the brown booklet, is this in one of your packets?
As always, I always enjoy reading your blog and following you! Have a wonderful week and thanks for the great ideas!