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Saturday, March 9, 2013

I "Sort Of" Love Jelly Beans So Have This Freebie

Who loves jelly beans? Do I hear "me, me, and me"? I did a training on the Common Core and filled plastic eggs with jelly beans. I used the Sweet Tart version and the teachers loved them! We played a game reviewing text complexity which was a blast but I ended up with a ton of jelly beans and did not want to eat one more. What's a teacher to do? I decided to make this little sort for my kindergarten friends to use. 
How this works:
Fill up small plastic eggs with a bunch of jelly beans (all different colors)
Do one for each student in your room.
Run off this sorting mat and graph for them to use.
Each student opens up his egg and sorts the jelly beans provided.
Once the sort has been completed the number is recorded on the right side of the frame.
Now you can model for them how to record the answers on the right side of the graph and color in each section, with the appropriate color.
Common Core wants our kids to be able to collect and record data but did anyone say it couldn't be fun?
Have a belly full of jelly beans! Click on the picture if you want this activity!


Kelley Dolling said...

Thanks for the fantastic freebie, Fran! I love all of the fun activities that you can run with this time of year . . . and the yummy candy is an added bonus ;) Hugs!

Fran Kramer said...

Thanks sweet friend!
Miss you.

Annie Moffatt said...

You make the funnest stuff!! I think I might need to do this activity for myself;)

Cindy said...

This is darling. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of putting the jellybeans in an egg. That's much more fun than just a little cup.


Room 214-Ms. Wenzel's Blog said...

You are so creative! Have you ever taken a virtual tour of the Jelly Belly Factory?

Meredith said...

I "jumped" right on this's a cleaner more artistic version of one I do every year. Thanks, Fran!

Leslie said...

Great idea to fill the Easter eggs as the way of passing out the jelly beans. Yummy.

A Kindergarten Life For Me said...

What a cute idea! Thank you!!

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