Sunday, March 30, 2014

Are You Going Dotty With CC Math?

This is my latest packet and my teachers are loving it. Students have an opportunity to use dot markers to mark different visual representations for numbers 1-20 and to practice oral language  justifying their answers. "I marked this one because_______." This is what Common Core is all about. Right? A tall order for our ELL babies. Our students need to learn how to use "math talk". Mission impossible? Not with this little packet. I even show you how to use a collaborative model (group of 4) to work on these pages so children build their knowledge together. Join me on this Common Core journey. Number sense is the work of kindergarten and we all work hard to send them on with a deep understanding of numbers. Lock it up with this $5.00 item.
What makes this different?
1. Students love to use dot markers (yup even on their clothes) and this keeps them engaged.
2. Directions are provided for a student book of numbers  from 1-20 and this is perfect for "Open House".
3. It is perfect for intervention in first grade or for the beginning of the year.
4. Whip out the collaborative activities when the district curriculum head is visiting.
5. Use these pages for student portfolios.
6. Homework
If you want this little baby just click here and it will slam you into my TpT store to purchase. All aboard for the Common Core...


  1. Slammed into my cart! Cha-ching! THIS is how I am starting my year in first grade! Buy this packet people. Fran makes collaborative learning easy!

  2. I have had many questions of what CCSS looks like in Kinder. I like the idea of keeping the students engaged with the dot markers. I usually only use them in small groups but this would be great in centers too. Thanks for the great ideas.
    Jennifer Saldana


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