Thursday, August 8, 2013

Stop Running Around In Circles: Make It Easy to Teach Common Core Math

It takes real courage to put scissors in the hands of a five year old. However, often our children have had limited experience with this crucial fine motor skill. So you want  to look for activities that allow for this.

This packet helps students to look at numbers in a variety of ways, including the number word itself. They have an opportunity to discuss them, use manipulatives to build number sense, and place them in the circle at the top, bottom, left, or right. In addition, a bit of number writing is included. These truly bundles your standards and allows yo to hit many of them at the same time which builds their understandings. I recommend buying this with the thought of  using it over several moments as your children develop number sense. You should visit these pages more than once to build their confidence.

How would you implement a packet of this type?
1. You might want to draw these circles on large chart paper as you work on each number. If you do it systematically, students will be able to build their knowledge and understandings. You want them to see patterns and relationships. 
2. These sheets can be introduced during small group instruction and worked on under supervision using manipulatives to help the children work on these skills.
3. This packet can be made into a student book to be saved as part of a portfolio.
4. Use these sheets once you have introduced  all the numbers through 20 and use as an assessment. Test them on what has been taught! This makes it valid.
5. They can also be used as a part of your math work stations.
6. These are authentic pages to send home for homework, once it has been modeled and taught.

Be sure to look at the pizza pan activity I show in a previous post and realize that you can do the same type of activity with numbers versus letters and sounds. I will post a sample of this if I can. Awards are provided once your students have mastered these numbers.
What do you like to do to build these important skills? 
This packet requires very little preparation and will keep your students engaged.
It can be found here in my TpT store or click on the picture. It is also available at Teachers Notebook here too.

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