Saturday, August 10, 2013

B2S: Self Portraits Should Be Created By Your Students: FREEBIE FUN

Every kindergarten teacher has their students draw a self portrait during the first few days of school. It is so much fun to look at these and see where your students are developmentally. Often this is the first board I post in my room. My friends next door do an additional activity that is precious. They use small paper plates and have the kids cut out their own features, using construction paper as they guide them through the process. Each child picks a skin tone they like and even paint their plate before gluing on their eyes, nose, and mouth. Adding yarn hair is the final step! 

I decided to take this up a notch and have them draw their teacher too. This can be done on a separate day and you can talk about hair color, clothing, and other details but do not guide them through the process. This is their "benchmark"
I really believe in guided drawing and teach this throughout the year. I start with white boards, markers and erasers and teach my children the procedures I want them to use to gather their materials and come and sit on the carpet to get ready to work on this. They love doing this and build confidence over time. Often this contributes greatly to their ability to write since they learn how to focus on details and work carefully. I move from people to animals, teaching character and setting this way. Do you do guided drawing? If not try it this year and you will be amazed by the growth your students make. It is my favorite whole group activity. 
I am offering you this freebie so that you have one less item on your "To Do" list as you start your year off. Be sure to save your first set of papers and do this activity at the end of the year. Students love seeing their own growth and this will be such a great visual to show them! Grab it here and please leave me a comment. Are you following me on Bloglovin'. I hope you will.


  1. Thanks for the freebie!! I love the idea of using whiteboards to work on guided drawing!!!! I give my students lots of drawing books to use as visuals and they love them because they get so frustrated with drawing!! I really like the idea of guided drawing with white boards because they love using white boards for everything so this would encourage them with their drawing too!


  2. Fran, This is so much cuter than the drab self-portrait I've been using! And I never thought top include myself! I do guided art, but not enough. I have them draw on paper on clip boards because I could not stand to erase their beautiful artwork! I'm crazy about saving everything and then at the end of the year, we take all our artwork and make a beautiful scrapbook out of 12x18 paper. Thank you for another great freebie!!

  3. You can tell so much from a child's drawing. I have used white boards for that in the past, but not enough. I resolve to do more guided drawing lessons this next year. Thanks for the reminder and the freebie.

    Terri Izatt

  4. Thank you so much for these comments. I know teachers that do a self portrait each month. It can provide you with so much information and if the truth be told it is so precious!

  5. Love the idea of using the white boards. I usually use scrap paper and it lets them feel ok about making mistakes. White boards (and I use baby socks as erasers) are so simple. Thanks for the freebie. Not sure I want to see how I will come out. Stay tuned.

    Hope you have a great start to your year.


  6. Fran,
    I love doing guided drawing with my 4K class. We also do monthly self portraits that we keep in our memory book, love the idea of including a portrait of me as well. Thanks for the freebie.

  7. Thank you so much for this activity. I think I will use it on my first day of school (tomorrow)! Tina

  8. Love it! Very practical! Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. Thank you so much! I also use white boards, but then cry when the picture gets erased! I've been taking pictures of the kiddos with their art prior to erasing for the past few years! I love the idea of having them draw a picture of me when they draw themselves! Thanks, again!!

  10. Thank you for the freebie! I love the idea of having the students draw the teacher too. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

  11. Thank you so much for the freebie! I have done directed drawing with my students for years and I love it too. My kinders got really good at drawing and following directions. A few years ago I had a very difficult class. I discovered that they loved drawing and art so we did everything we could through art and they learned. For Open House, they had an art journal with amazing drawings on their desks. It really is the best!!

  12. Thanks for sharing these great ideas and freebies. I've used whiteboards as practice in my guided drawing lessons and need to find time to do it more often.

  13. I love the idea of having kids draw the teacher too! That would be a lot of fun to look at.
    First Grade Found Me

  14. What a great idea to have the students draw the teacher! Love it and thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  15. Great freebie. I wanted to know how often you do your Writer's Workshops? Any other Writer's Workshop ideas? Thanks for sharing!

  16. Kristin at A Teeny Tiny Teacher told me to check you out and I'm so glad I did! I LOVE guided drawing. It is a game changer in how kids see their own work. You should check out Fairy Dust Teaching's guided reading packet. I love to use it at a center.

    First in Maine

  17. Kristin is one of my favorite teacher friends in the entire world! Whew! Big statement but so true. Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the tip. I will check it out.

  18. Just wrote about you on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration!


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