Saturday, July 16, 2011

Excuse Me... Are you Kindergarten Crayons?

This was the B*E*S*T part of the conference! I met, in person, these 3 wonderful women and it was so much fun for me. I actually sat down with Amber and had lunch and we chatted away like old friends with her partner Lou Ann and my wonderful friend Valentina. Anyone watching us would have thought we were life-long friends.
Amber, I hope you see this post because you are the best and so much more beautiful in person. Thank you for making such a wonderful connection! Later the following day I met Ms. Lopez and found out she lives in the district I teach in! Seriously, what a small world. It was so much fun to chat with her and we have so much in common. She was sitting right next to me in one of the sessions! I got an email from Mary Ann who told me she was not leaving the conference until we met each other and gave me a time and place (smart lady). She was adorable and could be my BFF. You better start that blog ' cause I'll be watching you! Can you imagine how  special this was for me?  I hope all these amazing kinder teachers stay in my life  forever! Teachers referred to me as Kindergarten Crayons during the whole week which I thought that was hilarious. Now I am my blog.


  1. I'm SO jealous they met you!! I kept looking around for you!

    Liesl in VA

  2. That is just so cool!! Its like meeting a celebrity! We need to meet up for coffee soon so I can meet the celebrity too!

    Hadar :)

  3. Hadar,
    I would love to do that! I am certainly no celebrity but I might be the oldest blogger in town! LOL

  4. Liesl,
    I am so sorry we did not meet. That is really disappointing. I can only hope there will be another opportunity.

  5. Just letting you know I referred to you on my new blog...give it a look at tell me what you think! I'm a BIG newbie, so don't expect too much... :)


  6. You guys have no idea how many people came up to Fran to say hello! It was so much fun for her to meet everyone! And it was fun for me too to meet so many of Fran's followers. She's such a giving person, it made me so happy to know others appreciate her as much as I do!

  7. FRAN!!!! MaryAnn was my cooperating teacher for student teaching this past year!! Also my best friend of 23 years mom!! She was so excited to meet you :) I created a blog for her during student teaching- and you're right- she needs to get moving on it!

  8. It was such an HONOR for me to me you (Fran!) and your side-kick Val! It was one of the highlights of the conference. I am sorry we made you late for your next sessions, and I wish we lived closer together so we could chat more in person about the best place to be....KINDERGARTEN! I have made word search sheets, who is in the club sheets, & Stir the soup materials. I will send them your way when I can get the scanner to work. Thanks for being YOU! YOU ARE A ROCK-STAR TEACHER 9and person)!


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