Saturday, July 16, 2011

Creation Station: Oh How I Loved You!

Do not freak out. Stay calm. Prepare yourself. These markers are refillable and they were $1.49 each. OMG.

This was my favorite purchase at the "I Teach K" conference. My friend Val got just as excited about these as I did but what happened to my yellow? Oh well. Just call me greedy. This booth was "Creation Station" and is owned by Frank and Joy Knight. I think I scared Frankto death with my enthusiasm but he put up a good front. If this makes you "over the moon" happy I will give you the link (cause I'm just that generous). and tell Frank I sent you! He had so much stuff that you'd love like giant coffee filters, magnets of all kinds, bugs that fit on your fingers but looked real, etc. I was worried about getting home and did not buy as much as I could have. Did I mention his prices were really reasonable?  However, Frank gave me a tip and told me these dot marker containers work fine when you fill them with watered down tempera paint. That was worth the whole trip! Kuddos to Frank.


  1. Thanks for sharing all of your ideas. I remember the great Literacy conference I went to in Vegas several years ago. So many ideas. I wanted to thank you for the creationstaion link. I just purchased several film containers for my classroom. Don't actually know what I'm going to do with them...I will think of something. I have a Hollywood theme so the containers will be great for something. Appreciate all you do. Enjoy your blog. Robin

  2. I love dot markers!! Thanks so much for the tip about filling them. I love the colors you found from Frank, too. Once I get to school this week I will have to check out how many I need and replace them with these.

  3. Thanks for the link. I love dot markers!

  4. Loved them too! My friend (who was a presenter, not a kindergarten teacher) thought I was nuts when I got so excited---but I got them (MOSTLY because you have inspired me to use them for a whole new range of activities). I had to resist getting the milk cartons---rationalizing that they'd have them on their website. But alas, no such luck. Oh well, I couldn't have crammed one more thing in that suitcase!

    Liesl in VA

  5. Fran, what a GREAT find! Thanks for the heads-up on these. If only I had invented re-fillable dot daubers; brilliant!

    Your blog is phenomenal and I just want to say THANKS for all of the inspiration you give me. I also went out to purchase the pocket charts from Target, but had no idea what to actually use them for (besides reading groups) until I saw your pocketful of activities.

    Awesome, awesome, awesome...thanks again and keep the ideas coming. Please :)



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