Monday, January 13, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside... for California

Happy New Year everyone. I have been so busy preparing for a conference presentation that I have neglected my blog. I want to post some products that I have that are ideal for this time of the year and are aligned to the Common Core:

This is a great product which is filled with literacy and math activities. No it is not just printables that you run off. I am not a big fan of that and trust me principals are not impressed when they walk into your room and see too much of that. The Common Core is about kids working collaboratively and interacting with each other to build knowledge. This packet is filled with activities that kids can do at stations to build their understanding of counting on, the teen numbers, sight word games, more letter knowledge practice, winter vocabulary,etc. If you have ELL's this will be a good match for your students. In addition to that it is filled with emergent readers that my students love using.

I have retelling cards and a reader for The Mitten. I like to read a variety of versions of this story and compare and contrast them. Retelling is a really important skill for our little ones since it leads to their ability to summarize and our ELL's need oral language practice that is fun and interesting. This cards will fit in your pocket chart and become a flow map! If this sounds like a good match for your kiddos you can grab it here.
Stay cozy with these "Winter Warm-Ups that meet the Common Core. I will post some other products later when I can grab a few minutes. What activities do you love to do with your kids at this time of the year?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful packet for the season.
    Today it is 36 in WI...last week -40. Warm smiles. Stop by anytime.


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