Monday, February 18, 2013

Get Your Read On...

Are you gearing up for "Read Across America"? I love this day because I love books so much. It is the perfect excuse to spend the entire day in jammies and carve out time to just celebrate reading to your class. I love to invite district "big shots" to my classroom. My principal comes in (silk PJ's) and parents. We usually serve oatmeal with toppings to the kids and they are on board for this special day.  In case you are not aware of this, Kohl's is offering a fantastic deal on everything Seuss and you can purchase a variety of books or matching stuffed animals for just $5.00 What a deal and all the money is donated to helping kids with cancer. I am sure many of you already support this but check it out if you have never heard of this fantastic deal. I needed a new cat since mine has been loved to death! What are you reading during this celebration?


  1. We love this day! And love the idea of your sweet lil oatmeal bar! Such a great idea!

    We've done a "Family Read In" where our families come in and have reading time, make bookmarks, play reading games, etc. We also do "Mystery Readers" where parents (even grandparents and neighbors) sign up to share their favorite story with the class.

    It's such a wonderful time to promote and share our love for reading.

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  2. One of my favorite days! Our whole school pitches in and the parents help make green eggs and ham for everyone!!!

    Camp Kindergarten

  3. We have a green eggs and ham breakfast for the whole school. As a school we do dress up days all week. Many people come in and read to us...including our reading buddies, who practice all week to read a special story of their choice.

    Some of my favorite activities last year were decorating my classroom with truffla trees, dressing the kiddos up as things 1-26, and a visualization lesson, where the students drew what they saw in their imagination for "My hat is old. my teeth are gold, I have a bird I like to hold...." (from Red Fish, Blue Fish). Every day we did at least one activity/lesson from one of his books. We put together a book of our favorite stories in the shape of a hat (we have a die cut)

    As a matter of fact...I had so much fun last year that I started blogging because I wanted to tell someone.
    At the end of a very busy week we watched In Search of Dr. Seuss.


  4. We love this day! Sounds like you have a wonderful time in your classroom!


  5. I missed out on getting a Horton, but they still had The Cat in the Hat. I came back from the big city with gifts for my fellow teachers!



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