Saturday, February 11, 2012

Lovin' President Lincoln

We had a blast with Abraham Lincoln this week and learned lots of important facts. Then later in the week I got an email from Kaye Espinosa to check a site where she is reading my Abraham Lincoln book to her grandson's class. Are you kidding me! I love this picture. Do you know Kaye? She is always at our California Kindergarten Conference and is a wonderful resource for kinder teachers. She is the original designer of these cut and paste projects that you see all over the internet. I will post about her later in the month. She is a true celebrity in the world of kindergarten, a lovely person to meet, and a fine educator of young children. Check out her site.
I want to do more TLC projects with our fifth grade buddies.


  1. I love Kaye's TLC projects. They are the best.

  2. Oh, my gosh! I am so jealous! We LOVE TLC! We use it in K and 1st, and by this time my first graders can just take scraps of paper and make "real stuff." I cannot wait to show them this picture of Kaye! Thank you for putting a face with the name! Have a great weekend!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  3. Hi Fran,
    Thanks for checking out my blog with Kaye teaching my class. She is so wonderful! She comes once a week to do a lesson. The kids have learned so much from her and I learn every time I watch her teach. I am one lucky teacher.

  4. Fran I just love all of your work!! You inspire me to be a better teacher in so many ways and I thank you! I am wondering if you have ever done books like your presidents books with the same page on one sheet it makes prep so much easier because you don't have to fold. Just cut in half and you already have two books, just a thought. :-). Thanks for all ou do!

  5. WOW! We love TLC too!! So nice that the 2 activities fit together like peas in a pod.
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten


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