Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sing It and They Will Listen... Maybe

My friend Hadar (she teaches up the street from where I live and I almost died when I found out) is having a linky party about songs you use in your classroom. I am going over to her site (Miss Kindergarten to print out all the songs since I am so sick of mine!) What songs do you love to use. Be sure to link up with her and share! If you want this song you can download it here.

Dr Jean has many different transitional songs you might like. Try them!


  1. I love this song from Dr. Jean!! I sing it almost daily! The students enjoy it too and we ended up making up more rhymes for it too!

  2. what is the tune of this song? its cute!

  3. I am not sure of the tune and I can't find it on You Tube. Let me see if it is on her website.

  4. I made this song to help support our reading effort. Sing it to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Here goes.
    Track, track, track your words.
    Tracking can be fun.
    Move your finger from left to right and sweep when you are done.

  5. I think the tune for the "Everybody Have a Seat" song is "Shortnin' Bread." You can also sing it like this if you want the kids to sit in their chairs.
    Not on the ceiling
    Not in the air
    Everybody have a seat
    In their chair.

  6. Thanks for all of the transition songs by Dr. Jean! There are some new ones to me and I am excited to try them in the Fall!

  7. Tell everyone...Katy has cracked the code to be able to load things from You Tube at school...My school blocks You Tube and it was sooo frustrating last year as I wanted to use my iPad for the song "Numbers in the Teens"...anyway problem solved go here for help..

  8. Thanks, Fran! I am SO enjoying your stories from the conference!



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