Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Rock Star of the Conference

Have you ever had the pleasure of hearing Kim Adsit present?  She is the rock star of  kindergarten! Hands down.  I love her southern drawl but don't be fooled. She is smart, funny, and real about our grade level. I signed up for a few of her sessions and found myself coming back over and over again. As a presenter her pacing was perfect and she offered up a ton of information, along with funny anecdotes from her classroom.  She gave teachers  so many strategies for organizing your classroom, creating literacy and math stations, and assessment tools to use with children in a meaningful way.Some of her ideas were so clever and simple that I was speechless. Okay that was a lie but I was amazed. I was in awe of her PowerPoint and her ability to keep her audience engaged.After she suggested an idea she would show you what it looked like in a kindergarten room. This was so helpful. The time flew and she answered questions in a thoughtful manner, asking for the opinions of others in the room. I filled an entire notebook with her ideas and now I have a lot to think about...  It was a pleasure to meet her and look at all the charts, books, and centers she brought with her to support her trainings. A big shout out to this KINDERGARTEN DIVA! She has a website  and lots of treasures on TpT. Y'all- She is one of us. By the way I added the tiara and pointer for fun! If you are having a hard time deciding on how to set up your classroom check out her classroom tour for some ideas. The woman is a powerhouse! She has retired from teaching and works in her daughter's kindergarten classroom so she can still be with little people.

At the end of one of one of her sessions someone told her I was" Kindergarten Crayons" and she got off the stage to shake my hand. She told me she knew my blog really well. What? The Kim Adsit has been here. Seriously, it doesn't get any better than that! Wow.
That was the best part of my day.


  1. OMG! I love her too. I stumbled onto her site a couple of years ago, but to meet her in person...awesome! Lucky girl!

  2. I have meet her at a previous I teach K and she is awesome. I think our group of K- teachers went to every session that she and Sari Sloane had.

  3. I have seen her at a previous I Teach K. She is wonderful

  4. Reading this post I was excited for you...Isn't it that young innocent excitement that we know about as kindergarten teachers that we share with our little ones!! Other people have lost that and some don't get it... glad you do, and we all can share your love for what we do. You have had a great summer haven't you? I know that all of us will benefit from that this coming year…I can’t wait:)
    Fondly, Barbara

  5. Fran, Thank you so much for your sweet post about my friend, Kim!
    She is such a sweet genuine person and an AMAZING teacher! I'm so glad you enjoyed her presentations. :)

  6. Isn't it amazing how teachers can be made to feel like movie stars! hahaha I swear, if I ever met you, Kim, Deanna, etc.... I'd probably be speechless and all smiles! =) I love it! And sounds like you had a fantastic time! I need to start saving up for next summer!!! =)

  7. Deanna,
    I fell in love with her. She was an outstanding presenter but also just a gracious, adorable lady with an accent that was irresistible.
    I am not surprised you are friends.
    Now get her to start blogging.
    Love, Fran

  8. I met her at the Illinois ASCD Kindergarten Conference. She is always a treat and her sessions are always packed! She is doing a workshop next week in IL of ideas for the first 30 days of school. I'm so excited to be able to go!!

  9. Fran, She is going to start a blog with her beautiful daughter Megan soon! It is going to called Kinder Gals! :)

  10. I totally agree with you! I had the chance to go to her "Dollar Store Diva" presentation at the MN Conf. for K teachers a couple of years ago. Her enthusiasm is contagious!

  11. I sent Kim the link to your post, and she loved it! I've been lucky enough to get to know her (and Deanna!) over the past year, and got to spend a few days with them a few weeks ago. They are just as amazing in person as they are in their sessions and blogs :) I'm so happy to be able to call them my friends!

  12. My school district hosted a 2 day conference/workshop Wed and Thurs and she was there! I sat in 2 of her sessions! She is hilarious! Loved it!


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