Monday, June 20, 2011

Will You Vote for this Blog?

Hi Blog Buddies,
If you are interested in supporting this blog I would love for you to vote for it on my sidebar to the right.
If you have taken a lot of the freebies I have offered this is a great way to show your appreciation.
However, if you have a different favorite I will understand that.
Thanks for all the support you have provided and the wonderful comments you have left. I have read them all!


  1. I will do just that!

  2. I will vote for you first thing on July 1st!

  3. It looks like the voting is the first week in July... am I reading it right? I'd love to vote for you!

  4. Fran - I voted for you! Thank you for all you do to help teachers and all that you share!! I have used SOOO many of your ideas with my sweeties!! ~ Tracy

  5. Hi Fran- I just voted for you! Your blog is a "must visit" each day! You are so kind to share your innovative ideas- I love using them in the classroom!

    ~ Amy

  6. I just found your blog but I LOVE it and I will definitely be voting for it!

    A suggestion: If you put the voting link at the end of your posts those who view your blog in Google Reader will remember to vote for it too!

  7. Fran, I too am a recent follower since I have had new found time this summer, and LOVE your blog. It will be great if you can remind us again July 1st..

  8. I just nominated you as I am sure so many others have and then I will vote for your blog in July. I hope that is right??

  9. I will definitely vote for Kindergarten crayons, you are wonderful and share generously. I love your ideas.
    I went to vote and it asked for the blog URL? Sorry, what is that?
    Toni a

  10. You have my vote on July 1! You and your blog are the best!

  11. Since we can't vote yet, I just followed the link and nominated you! You are very deserving and I let them know why! Happy summer Fran :)

  12. 3 words. you are amazing. thank you for all the things you've made and share! such great ideas. makes my heart pitter patter (a slight bit) for next year!


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