Sunday, May 22, 2011

Going With the Flow

Here is an important skill to assess in kindergarten. Our students need to be able to retell a simple story. Often this is a real challenge for English Language Learners so I make it cut and paste to see their "thinking." I also assess their knowledge of story elements, another important standard. To get them ready for this I read many different versions of The 3 Little Pigs and the kids act it out. They love doing this and it is an easy way to talk about the characters, the setting, and the events. The key is to keep the story simple so they can be successful. What do you do to assess retelling?


  1. I agree--the key to a retelling is making sure the children really know the story! So many times I've seen teachers read a story once and then ask students to retell. Especially with my Title I students, its important to make sure children are truly familiar with the story.
    Thanks again for all the fabulous things you post! I've used so many things in my classroom! :)
    Liesl in VA

  2. Thanks for this download. I agree this is a tough skill. We use lots of retelling activities. I like to have my students retell their guided reading book with their partner. They take turns supporting each other during the retell. This is pretty effective for most of my students.

    We also practice retelling as a whole group with the graphic organizer, "Somebody..., Wanted..., But then..., And so..., Finally... (See my Frog and Toad Post for a copy).

    However, we formally assess our students using the DRA.

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten


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