Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This Grabs the Attention of the Boys In the Class

During this unit the boys are wiggle worms and are not too interested in learning about the symbols of our country until we do the bald eagle. This grabs their attention and they love to hear about how it captures its prey, is super powerful (like Superman) and is a huge bird. You just can't tell them enough about the size and strength of this raptor! They love the new vocabulary and the real photos we show them. Our internet has been down but tomorrow my partner is super excited about showing them the live video of their nest. I'm not so sure she is doing this for the kids! Notice that I color coded is and has. I give the kids cards and they have to figure out where these words fit the best.


  1. Love this Fran! Your creativity is inspiring! I have to bookmark these entries so I can try this with my kinders! Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Amy

  2. Do you have a black line of brace and map?


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