Friday, July 19, 2013

Common Core Freebie #2 On the Way!

I am back from the best four days you can imagine in Vegas! I am washing my clothes and I am packing up to head for Chicago and the primary conference on Common Core. I catch a flight early in the morning. I am exhausted but pumped to go on to the next event. I am leaving the freebie I promised you so you can start to get your ducks in a row, preparing to go back. I know some of you start back soon. Where did the summer go? I am not ready for this but you probably are:
Drum roll please.... This freebie is not a big deal but you can use it on the very first day before they go home so the parents do not think they cried all day. You know what I'm saying. They act so depressed and then they look around at a million kids their own age and decide to join the party (or not). Do you always have one that cries forever? He is always in MY class. Stick with me on this. His birthday is in the fall and the idea of sitting on a carpet and listening to a teacher depresses him to the core! I hope that little boy does not show up in your room this year! Honestly he always has a parent that fills my ear with how much he knows and how smart he is. Oh well... the life of a kindergarten teacher! Stop laughing.

This is just enough literacy on the first day. Make them ahead of time in case your class is hard to manage. That means run them off and fold them up yourself. Hint: Never ask a five year old to fold up a book while they are crying! This is not guided reading at this point but you can read it "my turn" and "your turn" or all together blah, blah. Have them touch the dots as you do it and with all the drama you can pull together act shocked that they have been in school one day and can already read! Amazing!
I also made a necklace that they can color and wear home so mom and dad can appreciate that their day was fun even when they left them sobbing! Right?

Be sure to read them a great story about school before doing these activities and you can break them up  and way you see fit. What do you think? Can you use this?

What do you do the first day that is super cute? Leave me a comment and I will post the freebie as soon as I get back from Chicago! I ran out of time... gotta finish packing.

I will post about these conferences next week. You won't want to miss it... trust me.


  1. Very cute! I could definitely use this with my kinders! Have fun in Chicago!!

  2. I love giving my kids some shaving cream on the first day. I ask them to write their name, draw shapes and write a few numbers. Easy assessment for me AND fun for the kids!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  3. I love your two freebies! The shaving cream as assessment is great, too. I might have to try that (but probably not on the first day!). We practice a lot of routines the first day. We do a handprint book and a handprint puzzle to take home. I have a link for the first six weeks on my blog, The Kindergarten Teacher. I still have another month of summer! Don't rush me!! hehe
    The Kindergarten Teacher

  4. Love this! It is perfect for the first day of kindergarten!

  5. These are great!! I would love to use these!! Enjoy your time in Chicago!!

  6. I love both of these. This is going to be my first year teaching Kinders, and I am very nervous/excited!! My biggest concern is what to do on that first day, so thank you soooo much for both of these great resources!

  7. I LOVE these for the first day!!! However, when I click on it, it just shows it to me as a picture, not a download?? I am a follower of yours, but I can't figure out how to print this? Help??

  8. I'm excited! Thanks for the update! Have fun!

  9. The freebies look great! We do a coloring sheet that says "My first day." Great to assess name, fine motor, and reading! I love the idea to use the I heart kinder as a headband! I love your books with the 1:1 dots! Also always begin with a book:) Thanks!

  10. Wow you are one busy lady. Have fun in Chicago.
    Kinders on the Block

  11. You are too funny! I also get that little boy every year!

    The freebies are cute, cute, cute.

    Will plan to use them.

    Carol T.

  12. True story about little boy(s) with fall birthday! I want to send this to my principal who tells me Kinders aren't that much diff than 1st Graders! LOL she loves me, even tho she doesn't get it! Looks great! Thanks in advance!

  13. Love this---would you share an editable copy so I could use in fist grade??



  14. I love these! Thank you,

  15. I love these! Thank you.

  16. I love your freebies and I'll definitely use them this year. I've gotten "Pete the Cat" crazy over the summer and can't wait to work him into different activities.

  17. Thanks Fran! It was great meeting you. Have a great time in Chicago.

  18. Thanks Fran! It was great meeting you. Have a great time in Chicago!

  19. These are great! I WILL use them the first day. Thanks!

  20. Super cute. I love the idea of them being able to take their own book home on the first day.

  21. Great! I hope you had a great time in Chicago, and I can't wait to download these!

  22. No truer words were ever spoken about the first day of kindergarten! Love it!

  23. Both of these are perfect for the first day of "chaos" we share in Kindergarten. Plus these activities are meaningful to both the kinders and parents. Thanks for sharing. Hope your conference was a winner.

  24. Thank you for the back to school freebie. Have fun while in Chicago!

  25. Both ideas are very cute, but I can't seem to find the link to download them. Am I missing something? Thanks for your help! Also, will you be speaking at the Kindergarten Conference in January in Northern Cal? I can't remember the name of the conference. I've always wanted to go. I'm going to try to make it this year. I think it always falls on the Martin Luther King weekend.

  26. Very cute ideas but I can't seem to find the link to download them. Am I missing something? Also, will you be presenting at the Kindergarten Conference in Northern California in January 14? Not sure of the name of the conference, but it usually falls on the Martin Luther King weekend.

  27. Fran, I love these!!! I always read the Kissing Hand and we make a hand with our hearts in it. We always take a tour of the school and make our (Dr. Jean's) Rule Book.... But I love this idea to draw in the shy ones and the crying ones!! And they'll all love wearing a heart home! Awesome ideas! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Tari (KinderJedi)

  28. Love these! I love all your stuff though! Your blog was one of the first ones I found almost 2 years ago and you never disappoint!
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Klass

  29. Very cute! My kids would love to do these on the first day!

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  32. LOVE IT, LOVE it, love it !!!! You had me rolling with laughter as I was reading this post. The part about 'THAT kid' and the 1st day are SOOOOO true! People that don't teach kinder have no idea what we experience in Kindergarten----but I love ❤ every minute of it! I'm looking forward to getting these 1st day Freebies. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy Chicago!

  33. Thank you for the freebies! I'm your newest follower. Would love you to check out my site, too. Hope Chicago is great!!

  34. Fran it was great seeing you in Vegas! Love these activities! Perfect for the first day!

  35. Love it! Thank you! I make headbands for everything...this just gives me another excuse to make one on the first day! Thanks!!!:)

  36. Fran- I just realized that my comment above posted 3 times!!! Obviously I was having trouble with my phone trying to leave a comment

  37. So many sweet comments. I love your ideas for the first day so now I will download these two little freebies for my friends!

  38. Can't wait to hear about the conferences!! Wished I could have been there. I love the little necklace, but I think I may use it for a hat. I remember your advice last year that I should send them home with a hat on their head. :)

    Those students that cry all day...have parents that go home and cry all day. (don't shake your head too know I speak the truth) Of course like that cat we know and love...It's all good. I guess my niece cried every day in Kindergarten and I am pretty sure my sister-in-law was not one of those moms. And last year she helped me every day that first week while she was waiting for the semester to start where she is studying to be a teacher!

    Terri Izatt

  39. Love the idea of doing the "I love Kindergarten" headband! I am only able to view as a picture, not a download. Am I missing the "click to download" link somewhere?
    THANKS so much! :-)

  40. Read the post above this one to access this freebie and follow me on Bloglovin. Easy!Thanks!

  41. Hello!
    I am a first year kinder teacher and I love this product! Thank you so much! I feel silly for asking, but how do you fold it to make it into a book?

    Thanks in advance!!

  42. First fold it hamburger style and then hot dog style and it makes and little booklet. I hope that helps.

  43. I love your first day ideas. Necklace and foldable book. I would appreciate this freebie. Thank!


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