Red, White, and Blue... We Love You!
We do a huge unit on the symbols of our country and our students love learning about the American flag,
the bald eagle, the president, etc. Here is a very simple tree map on the American flag. I love to fill it with color using scrapbooking chalk. It is simple and fills in large areas quickly. Here is an easy way to help ELL's see the difference between is and has and it is crucial to have them practice reading the map. The more proficient student can use "and" which allows them to create much more complex sentences. From here we go to a simple reader about the flag and then we move on to writing. I love teaching this unit.
Is there a resource book available to help explain these maps. I've tried using some, but I believe I'm not using them to their fullest. This is new to me, and not being presented in Southern Illinois.