Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Kids Flip Over These Books

My students love these flip books and because they always need additional practice with syllables I make these for every possible theme I teach. It is a big hit and it is so cute to watch them do this during their independent work time. I see them clapping out the word and trying to decide if it has 1,2, or 3 syllables. I always remind them to cut and paste the pictures under each flap before they color. This can be a great assessment too.
If you would like to have this book click here for the download. Please leave a comment and following me would make my day. Let me know if you have any activities that are great for this important kinder skill!


  1. Thanks...I love this idea! Anything that the kids can work on "independently" is great.
    We clap names a lot in my class-student's names, teacher's names, character's names. It never gets old for them; it's great practice.

  2. Thanks so much! My kinders can always use more practice with this skill as well.

  3. You always have the cutest ideas! I am a new follower to your blog and I love it!

  4. Thank You for your great ideas!

  5. There is a great computer game for clapping syllables, too. It's really fun on the smartboard.


    "Drums Game"

  6. I use literactive on my smartboard too with dry erase student boards to keep students engaged.

    Thanks for a great syllable download!

  7. Hi Fran,
    I just found your blog and it is amazing. I love all of your ideas. This syllable activity is adorable. I just wanted to let you know that I found a typo...it says may instead of many. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. OMG I am so embarassed. It took me forever to fix it and I just hope other people download this with the correct spelling. I need an editor! Thank you for paying attention and I better be more careful

  9. This is perfect! I can use this next week in our literacy centers to go along with our flower unit!!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thank you, Fran! I seriously want to sit at your feet and learn how to create awesome documents!

    My kinders used your garden book this week :-); they loved adding the clipart to each page.


  11. I am with the post that says she wants to sit at your feet and learn to make all these super cool things! Thank you soooo much for all your great ideas!

  12. You did a great job creating the BOY materials! AND I just love the badges. I can't wait to get mine! Caryl

  13. Thank you so much for sharing. I LOVE the flip books. Sheri

  14. I love these booklets! I have the other primary teachers loving them too! Thank you!

  15. I am so glad that I found this activity. We are introducing syllables this week and I would love to use your activity. Plus it introduces them to flip books as that is something I would like to try this year too. Thanks so much!

    <a href="http://kindersontheblock.blogspot.com>Kinders on the Block</a>


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