Sunday, March 27, 2011

OMG Have You Seen These!

I did a workshop for kindergarten teachers at my school on Wednesday and my friends Krista and Alicia came to support me. I love these two amazing teachers. They brought me a surprise (they always come with gifts) and this one blew me away! Have you seen these? When did Crayola come out with dry erase crayons? My class adored watching me use them to model drawing a plant. Imagine using a black dry erase board for this. Target sells the crayons. You better grab some fast.



  1. I just discovered your blog through a link on Chalk talk and I am going to follow you. You have lots of great ideas!

  2. I love these! I am on a focus group for Crayola and they sent them to me at the beginning of the year, so we have been using them since then. My firsties love them too and I don't have to worry about dry erase markers going dry or my chisel tip being smooshed because of them pressing too hard.

  3. Thanks Sarah,
    I am so glad you like my blog. I am having so much fun doing this.
    I better get back to my classroom and start focusing on the curriculum! This is way too addictive!

  4. Just like Sarah above I found your blog today through the Chalk Talk link. I also teach K in So.Cal. I love love love the ideas and photos on your are the teacher I want to be when I grow up! :)


  5. I just found your blog today! WOW!!! You are amazing for sharing so many ideas and templates! THANK YOU!!! I am a blog stalker and admire so many of you. This is my 30 year of teaching and it is amazing what I can still learn after teaching kindergarten for so many years! Thanks!

  6. Thank you for all your kind and encouraging words. I love sharing with all of you. I am learning so much and this has been so much fun for me1

  7. I love this website! You are such a leader in our district. Our kindergarten teachers would not have survived these past 9 years without you!! sincerely, Helen Tross, Curriculum and Instruction, Santa Ana USD

  8. OMG You guys my curriculum specialist left a comment on my blog! She is the best and smartest teacher I know! I want her to start a blog for intermediate grades. You cannot believe how amazing her strategies are!

  9. It is so nice that you are appreciated by someone in your district. Sometimes I feel like really good teachers can get over looked in their own district when others outside the district really respect them!!

    ANYWAY, I went a purchased some of these crayons!!! I can't wait to try them. Thanks for your post. I may have missed them otherwise. =)

  10. I have been looking for these. Thanks for the post on where to find them


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