Monday, February 28, 2011

Jazzy Patterns to Dazzle Your Kids

I got this amazing idea from Amanda on her blog
and I can't thank her enough. My kids needed something different to mix it up a little and Amanda  inspired me to make this important concept more interesting. Each child got their own baggie of cards and I told them what kind of pattern I wanted them to make (AAB etc. ) Then they had to read their pattern to me. We switched our baggies and I could quickly assess who needed more work on this.

The children loved this! We had so much fun... I love all the creative teachers out there...

First we practiced in the pocket chart.

They got to pick their baggie:


  1. I'm so glad I was able to inspire you. Thanks for the cute patterns.

  2. WOW Fran, this is awesome!! My blog is so dull in comparison. Leave it to my favorite Kinder teacher to make a blog so much fun to read. This is amazing. YOU are amazing.
    Thank you for sharing this. I am going to give your url to my neighbor to follow. She is in Ontario/Montclair, and guessed it, KINDER.
    Love this!

  3. Thanks Susan. This has been a real adventure for me and I have learned so much through the generosity of other amazing teachers. There is so much talent across this country. I hope my blog gives teachers ideas they can use the next day in their classroom. Come and visit often!


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